Private Woodland
Private woodland owners live with their forest. It's not only a future financial investment but also a landscape for everyday enjoyment. Land owners need a thoughtful contractor who understands this balance. Pre-harvest challenges include intelligent stand delineation that helps preserve habitat diversity and function, and operational planning to avoid costly damage from heavy machinery compaction. Post-harvesting challenges include re-planting at correct densities with the right species mix and having a management plan in place to prevent invasive species from compromising your investment. Finally, dedicated stewardship is needed for successful establishment.
We maintain forests with detailed stewardship that invites you out and lets you enjoy your woods again. We don't just plant trees. We work with you to understand your site and different planting solutions. We design thoughtful, diverse canopies from your feedback, that add resilience and reduce financial risk in our unpredictable climate. Our expert technicians use high quality tree stock, and know where to install each species for optimum success. From project planning to invasive weed control, reforestation, and long term maintenance, we will help your property and future canopy thrive.