Farm & Vineyard
​Oregon vineyards and farms work directly with the land, and need the land to work for them. Operational challenges include weed invasion, wind erosion, topsoil depletion, runoff prevention, crop damage from pests, and poor pollination and crop yield. Other logistical challenges include limited real estate or land area for new improvements and finding a motivated contractor to help with creative, affordable solutions. Vineyards seeking LIVE and Biodynamic certifications require property planning, implementation, and monitoring expertise to smoothly guide projects into completion.
Phoenix Habitats is helping our Willamette Valley farms and vineyards to reach new levels of sustainability and natural beauty. We do this in three ways: (1) achieve savings on low-cost, resilient plant material from seed and small stock size, (2) achieve cost savings from low-cost site prep and maintenance without irrigation or soil amendments, and (3) realize the benefits including enhanced pollination, natural pest control, erosion control, and market appreciation.
Native plants aren't only a necessary part of sustainable food systems, they are a winning solution for land management. We value your investment in this work, and make it as affordable, efficient and effective for you to start focusing on its benefits right away.